“Hey Google, Remind me to be Phished” Exploiting the Notifications of the Google (AI) Assistant on Android for Social Engineering Attacks

Conference APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research

Boston, MA, USA

Oneliner: ...looks like the issue has been patched!

Boston, Boston, Boston. After NCA’18, NCA’19, and my time at Dartmouth, this is the fourth time I arrive in Boston—making it the US airport I visited the most (after SFO). This was also the second time I attended the APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime).

I loved this event. I had this impression last year, which was reinforced this year: the talks and the attendees at eCrime are just something else. As an attendee, I could truly see the willingness in the presenters to “showcase their findings” to “a community that cares about such findings”. It felt so genuine, honest—in a sense, “human”. I almost wish that all conferences I attend were like this…

Nonetheless, I enjoyed giving the talk of our paper here. Interestingly, this presentation was (similarly to CoG) also a “duo”, since I shared the spotlight with Saskia—who did a wonderful job in explaining the various facets of our user study. If you own an Android phone, here’s a question for you: do you know what the Google Assistant can do? :)

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